Akhilesh Yadav twitted regarding vaccine, Said there should be a judicial inquiry


Akhilesh Yadav said in his tweet that round 80 crore Indians have been given the Covishield vaccine, about which the company that made its original formula has said that it can cause a risk of heart attack. Those who have lost their loved ones due to the side effects of the vaccine or who were apprehensive about the side effects of the vaccine, their doubts and fears have now been proven right. 

The public will never forgive those who play with people's lives. Allowing such lethal medicines is equivalent to a conspiracy to murder someone and all those responsible for this should be prosecuted criminally. The ruling party has gambled the lives of the people by collecting political donations from the vaccine manufacturing company. Neither the law nor the people will ever forgive them. 
There should be a judicial inquiry at the highest level in this matter.

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